Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Twenty Eight

I have been reflecting a lot about the day Braedyn was born...  I suppose because we are talking about adding another little one to our family.

July 14, 2008 was the second best day of my life,
the first being the day I married my best friend. 
I remember crying all day long, knowing that he was coming because the Labor was scheduled with the Hospital.    I watched the whole birth on a Mirror and it was the most amazing, miraculous experience.    I sometimes complain about the plight of women, but  I believe Child Birth is the greatest gift that our Heavenly Father gave us women.   
I never imagined that being a Mother would be the hardest and the easiest task I would  ever take on.

I am so very Grateful for July 14th...
and every day that has followed.


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